[Zope] Important Fix for Zope 2.2.x
The Doctor What
Wed, 13 Dec 2000 11:39:35 -0600
* Evan Simpson (evan@digicool.com) [001210 10:27]:
> Thanks to Jeff Ragsdale, we've finally been able to kill a
> longstanding bug that allows POST requests to interfere with
> each other. Symptoms include corrupted or aborted File and
> Image uploads, and stupid-log messages about
> "AttributeError: data" killing threads.
> The attached HTTPServer.py is valid for all Zope 2.2.x
> versions. I am posting the patched file for earlier Zope
> versions separately.
Will these be released as Hotfixes? Or just new versions? Or is
this it?
Little children, keep yourselves from idols
-- St John, Ist century
The Doctor What: Un-Humble http://docwhat.gerf.org/
docwhat@gerf.org KF6VNC