[Zope] Object adding strangeness

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 21:41:31 +0100 (CET)

Geoffrey L. Wright writes:
 > So I've created a simple little product to dynamically manage CSS.  It
 > consists of three ZClasses and the arrangement looks something like
 > this:
 >    STYLEn_containerClass
 >              \
 >               \--> STYLEn_styleClass
 >                               \
 >                                \--> STYLEn_stylePropertyClass
 > .... creating "STYLEn_stylePropertyClass" instance overwrite
 >      "title" property of folder (containing STYLEn_containerClass instance)
 > .....

 >     ......
 >     <dtml-with "STYLEn_stylePropertyClass.createInObjectManager('color', REQUEST)">
 >       <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('value','#000000')">
 >       <dtml-call "propertysheets.STYLEn_stylePropertyClassPropertySheet.manage_editProperties(REQUEST)">
 >       <dtml-call "manage_editProperties(REQUEST)">
 >     </dtml-with>
 >     .....

I expect the "manage_editProperties" is the culprit.
I further expect that neither of your classes has
a "manage_editProperties". Therefore, the
"manage_editProperties" of the enclosing folder is
acquired. It changes the properties of this folder.
