[Zope] WG: [Support] -

Pascal Reinheimer reinheimer@systemloesungen.net
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 15:42:01 +0100


i have installed zope-2.2.4-linux2-x86 completely on a suse linux 7.0 pro
system ...
when i exec the file "./start", i get the message:

2000-12-19T20:55:23 INFO(0) ZServer FTP server started at Tue Dec 19
21:55:23 2000
        Hostname: linux
        Port: 8021
2000-12-19T20:55:23 INFO(0) ZServer PCGI Server started at Tue Dec 19
21:55:23 2000
        Unix socket: /home/Administrator/Zope-2.2.4-linux2-x86/var/pcgi.soc
2000-12-19T20:55:23 INFO(0) ZServer Monitor Server (V1.8.4.1) started on
port 8099
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/home/Administrator/Zope-2.2.4-linux2-x86/z2.py", line 710, in ?
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:
linux:/home/Administrator/Zope-2.2.4-linux2-x86 #

What is this ??? How can i debug this error  ???

i've also logged in at the administrator user, but i doesn't can start the
the  File "/home/Administrator/Zope-2.2.4-linux2-x86/z2.py" doesn't exists
is this a problem ?

(friendly greetings)
Nette Grüße,
Pascal Reinheimer