[Zope] LoginManager - logging out

Mohan Baro mcbaro@uwimona.edu.jm
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 14:03:04 -0500

Thanks for the tips:
1)the logout method work with shift+reload in IE (how would clear cached
pages from zope?)
2)the <dtml-raise type="Unauthorized"> method does not allow me to log back
in even when I try a redirect to a different page.

I am wondering if something is set incorrectly on my browser. If (2) works
for you it must work for me to??

Any way thanks for all the help .... I get it to work I will post the

Do you know how the achieve [login/logout] at ZOPE.ORG ie Zope Portal
Toolkit ??


-----Original Message-----
From: zope-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-admin@zope.org]On Behalf Of
Oliver Bleutgen
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 1:01 PM
To: zope@zope.org
Subject: RE: [Zope] LoginManager - logging out

>> reminded of a previous post in which someone suggested
>> http://garbage:xxxxx@yourSite would also clear the browser's credential.
>> Much faster and works in IE and Konqueror, but not Navigator or lynx.
>> easy to test, too.

>Its just not working for me.
>I am going to try  LoginManager + ZPatterns (hope it has a handy logout

Remember to press shift+reload in IE, this nasty thing just takes
the cached pages otherwise.
About LoginManager and ZPatterns, they won't help you for the
Basic http-authentication. This is really a client-side problem.

And finally, I reread a previous mail of  yours:

>I have tried it.
><dtml-raise type="Unauthorized">
>I guess it logs me out. But it also gives me a login dialog box .... it
>not accept any of the account. So I cannot log back in! Why?

Just a quick guess, is it possible that you reenter your credentials and
just reload the page which contains the above code which again causes
an "Unauthorized" to be raised (and therefore causes the browser to
show the login-dialog again)?
Have you tried pointing your browser to another URI on that server?


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