[Zope] Reality check PYZOMA = python / zope for Mac ?

Jason Cunliffe jasonic@nomadicsltd.com
Fri, 22 Dec 2000 18:27:00 -0500

Dieter Maurer <dieter@handshake.de> wrote:

>  > Is the mac getting left behind or will the new MacOSX in fact bring
>  > adn Zope more easily into the fold?
> MacOSX is almost Unix.
> It should be easy to create Python and Zope on it.

That's good news, assuming that Mac owners uniformly adopt MacOSX.
I would love to here from anyone interested who has MacOSX and would be
willing to test this out.

Does anyone know what Apple's plans are for MacOSX introduction to broad
mass market.?
Will it be the default AppleOS by end of 2001?

I imagine though that most existing Mac users, artists, etc, especially long
term users will not be in much of a hurry to upgrade at all unless they are
technology freaks or have compelling new tools to benefit from.

This makes me suspect there  will be a large current Mac User population
likely to be left behind by as we go into the next year with Python 2.x++
and Zope 2.3x++ being the modern versions.

Will Zope 2.3x run on Python 1.5.2 - yes/no/maybe/sometimes/depends?

My concern is because I want to install an integrated application using Zope
+ [Python] + Browser + Flash5 and I want it to run on Mac, Win32, Linux
[etc]. Local ZServer + Flash5 offering peer-peer + smart-client features
which can work offline and online adn be easy for desktop drag and drop for
group site creation and management. Local Zope is a key part of this
strategy - I have been recently discussing Zope based project with some
artists, and was reminded about how many creative people only use Macs, thus
the ZMac question.


- Jason
Jason CUNLIFFE = NOMADICS['Interactive Art and Technology']