[Zope] passing parameters in a call/in/with
Lloyd Kvam
Tue, 26 Dec 2000 17:32:15 -0500
This is also a problem for me.
From using ZNOLK I have a DTML document that uses dtml-in to execute a query.
The query is get_names_for_id and is:
select name from name_table where id = <dtml-sqlvar chosen_id type=int>
I can now call the form using:
My dtml form would be simpler if there was a way to code:
<dtml-in get_names_for_id(123)>
I was unable to make that work.
Olaf Zanger wrote:
> hi there,
> with the znolk product i get data by "select * ..." out of my database.
> some fields
> are id's and i would like to get data out of an other table basing on
> this id.
> how can i pass the id through a <dtml-call/in/with method>?
> olaf
> --
> soli-con Engineering Zanger
> Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Olaf Zanger Nusch
> Lorrainestrasse 23
> 3013 Bern / Switzerland
> Fon: +41-31-332 9782
> Mob: +41-76-572 9782
> mailto:info@soli-con.com
> mailto:olaf.zanger@soli-con.com
> http://www.soli-con.com
Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358
voice: 603-443-6155
fax: 801-459-9582