[Zope] Loosing namespace when calling a DTML-Method

Bertl bs@firstnet.dhs.org
Wed, 2 Feb 2000 02:28:44 +0100 (CET)

Hi, people!

I'm a Zope newbie and have a big big problem which i could not find
anything about on the lists. I'm using the zope package that comes with
debian linux potato (2.1.2) and the problem is the following:

When i call a DTML Method with dtml-var or dtml-call, the called method
cannot access any object. Not REQUEST, not an with dtml-let or
dtml-with assigned variable, nothing. Further the called method cannot
access any Objects in it's own folder, even when i wrap it with <dtml-with
folder> (which is just the same problem).
Accessing the same variables inside the calling function works just like
expected. When i change the DTML Method to a DTML Document, it cannot
access variables from outside, but gets an Authentication error when
accessing objects in the current namespace

My current workaround is to code everything in Python, as this works just
great or to do everything in one big DTML Method. But this is not a long
term solution!

I see two possible explanations for this phenomenon: i totally
misunderstand the Zope-security model, which is not unlikely, or my Zope
installation is buggy. (I hope it is the first one as i dont feel like
installing a full featured Zope with PostgresSQL binding and dont want to
wait for the 2.1.3 .deb)

Has anybody an idea what's going on?
