[Zope] Problem with ZODBCDA installation.
Phil Harris
Wed, 2 Feb 2000 08:33:07 -0000
Surely the reason for using tar/gzip is for portability.
The same archive is usable on *nix and Win32.
|>-----Original Message-----
|>From: mcdonc@mcdonc.dyndns.org [mailto:mcdonc@mcdonc.dyndns.org]On
|>Behalf Of Chris McDonough
|>Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 6:56 AM
|>To: rgeiger@bellsouth.net; zope@zope.org
|>Subject: Re: [Zope] Problem with ZODBCDA installation.
|>When WinZip opens the file it comes up with a dialog something like:
|>This file contains a compressed archive. Do you want to open it in a
|>temporary directory?
|>Say yes. Then you'll have the winzip screen that should show a bunch of
|>files in it. Press Extract.
|>When it asks you where you want to extract to, choose the Zope top-level
|>folder by browsing through the dir trees. Make sure the option to
|>"expand with folder names" (or something like that) is checked before
|>you hit OK.
|>Hit OK.
|>It will write all the files out. You should end up with a directory in
|>your lib\python\Products folder that is named something like "ZODBCDA"
|>which contains files that belong to the ZODBC adapter (such as
|>__init__.py and others).
|>When you restart Zope, the database adapter should show up in the list
|>of products.
|>The main gist here is that the gz file you download contains only one
|>file, which is a "tar" archive. Tar is a UNIX format that stands for
|>tape archive. It's an old, old format that has a long legacy. But you
|>don't need to know much about it. All you really need to know is that
|>it contains files and directories that need to be written out to disk.
|>The tar archive isn't compressed. Gzip does this for us.
|>I imagine we don't use the ZIP file format because tar and gzip are so
|>familiar to us, and we use these formats for all our other
|>I suggest reading the WinZip help stuff for more info. You're going to
|>run into this again.
|>Robert Geiger wrote:
|>> I used Winzip on the gz file. What I don't understand is why
|>this would be
|>> saved in a compressed format that, although supported in the
|>latest version
|>> of winzip, is not the defacto standard ZIP file format so familiar to
|>> Windoze users??? It would be friendlier to previous versions
|>of Winzip.
|>> Just a thought.
|>> I still don't know exactly what to do with this file, so if you have any
|>> ideas, please let me know. Thanks for your assistance.
|>> -----Original Message-----
|>> From: mcdonc@mcdonc.dyndns.org [mailto:mcdonc@mcdonc.dyndns.org]On
|>> Behalf Of Chris McDonough
|>> Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 9:06 PM
|>> To: rgeiger@bellsouth.net
|>> Cc: Zope
|>> Subject: Re: [Zope] Problem with ZODBCDA installation.
|>> Did you untar and ungzip it? Download WinZip and doubleclick it,
|>> expanding it into your top-level Zope folder.
|>> Robert Geiger wrote:
|>> >
|>> > I have followed the directions with the ODBC adapter to no
|>avail. I place
|>> > it in the top level zope dir on NT server machine and
|>restart. This is
|>> all
|>> > the instructions say to do. I do not see the adapter. What else do I
|>> have
|>> > to do to get this to work???
|>> >
|>> > Thanks in advance for any assistance.
|>> >
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|>> --
|>> Chris McDonough
|>> Digital Creations, Inc.
|>> Zope - http://www.zope.org
|>Chris McDonough
|>Digital Creations, Inc.
|>Zope - http://www.zope.org
|>Zope maillist - Zope@zope.org
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