[Zope] mod_pcgi2 lacks per-server merge function
Oleg Broytmann
Thu, 3 Feb 2000 16:09:14 +0000 (GMT)
Today I found that my module mod_pcgi2 lacks per-server config merge. It
was a little surprise for me :))) as I never used Zope with Apache's
virtual domains.
It is not a bug, and can easily be overcome by Apache admin (by copying
all neccessary PCGI_* directives into all virtual server configurations).
The question is: should I provide per-server merge in the module? How
much people already use the module? with virtual servers? how many virtual
What lists are we on? I am writing the message to both Zope and ZopeDev
lists as I do not understand clearly to what list the message belongs...
Oleg Broytmann Foundation for Effective Policies phd@phd.russ.ru
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