[Zope] XMLDocument Question

Yves-Eric Martin yemartin@garage.co.jp
Fri, 04 Feb 2000 14:52:11 +0900

On Fri, 04 Feb 2000 00:03:00 -0500
"James W. Howe" <jwh@allencreek.com> wrote:

> <faq>
>     <entry>
>        <question><p>To be or not to be?</p></question>
>        <answer><p>That is the question</p></answer>
>     </entry>
> </faq>
> So, in the case above, I would want to get back the value:
> <p>To be or not to be?</p>

    Try the following:

       <question><![CDATA[<p>To be or not to be?</p>]]></question>
       <answer><![CDATA[<p>That is the question</p>]]></answer>

    The <![CDATA[ ... ]]> notation instructs the XML parser to treat
everything within as pure data (that is to say not to parse it). So
in this case:

<dtml-var "text_content('question')">

would return: <p>To be or not to be?</p>

Yves-Eric Martin
Digital Garage Inc.