[Zope] Zope HTML Quality

Hannu Krosing hannu@tm.ee
Fri, 04 Feb 2000 23:41:44 +0200

Christopher Petrilli wrote:
> On 2/4/00 11:20 AM, James W. Howe at jwh@allencreek.com wrote:
> > One of the requirements of XHTML is little things like making sure the tag
> > names are lowercase, attributes use quoted values, etc.  It would seem that
> > Zope HTML could at least be cleaned up to that level.  Zope HTML should
> > also make sure that any optional closing tags be included.  This would go a
> > long way to making sure that Zope HTML is XHTML compliant without breaking
> > lesser browsers.
> There is no disagreement with this, it's just simply no a priority, but
> obviously is something that someone in the community concerned with this
> could easily provide a set of patches for.

I guess much of it can be automated, using find and tidy.
