[Zope] Problem with Properties and Methods
Oleg Broytmann
Sat, 5 Feb 2000 17:31:36 +0000 (GMT)
On Sat, 5 Feb 2000, Borno Janekovic wrote:
> In a dtml-document I am calling a dtml-method from a subdirectory
> <dtml-var "directory.method()">
By calling the method without parameters you loose the namespace. There
are 2 (two) ways to overcome:
1. Use <dtml-with>:
<dtml-with directory>
<dtml-var method>
</dtml-with directory>
2. Pass the namespace:
<dtml-var "directory.method(_.None, _)">
Oleg Broytmann Foundation for Effective Policies phd@phd.russ.ru
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