[Zope] can't log in to manage
Chris McDonough
Sun, 06 Feb 2000 20:51:34 -0500
I really don't know how the RPM is put together so I can't give you
explicit instructions. I gotta find the time someday to look at the
RPMs and figure out how they're put together. In the mean time, follow
the instructions in
http://www.zope.org/Members/mcdonc/zopeinstall/ZOPE-INSTALL-HOWTO to
install Zope. They assume you're *not* installing from an RPM, but from
a .tar.gz binary release.
Barry Smoke wrote:
> I am using RedHat 6.0. I first installed the Zope 1.10.3 rpm package
> for python 1.5.1. I found that the server ran....the example site
> popped up, and the quickstart works just fine....but I can not log in
> to manage zope. I checked the /var/local/zope/access file, and edited
> it correctly, then restarted /etc/rc.d/init.d/zope. I checked
> permissions on it. Everything looked like it should......but i could
> not log in to the /manage
> I decided to go ahead and update python to 1.5.2.....then I removed
> the Zope rpm package, and installed Zope 2.1.2 thinking that should
> fix it......wrong!!!!
> Same thing.......
> I did find the zpasswd ....it edited the /var/zoipe/access(yes, I did
> figure out it had moved :-)) and it encrypted my new password....this
> is a nice new feature. I still can't log in though. I left the
> domain completely off.....I put in a :*, I've tried everything.
> I've now tried removing that rpm, and downloading the source rpm for
> 2.1.2
> I did a rpm --rebuild....
> then installed every rpm but the Zope-pcgi......(I'm wanting to run it
> on 8080)
> I still get the same thing.........]
> Now my hair is gray...and coming out.
> Someone please shed some light on this...
> Thanks,
> Barry Smoke
Chris McDonough
Digital Creations, Inc.
Zope - http://www.zope.org