[Zope] ZCatalog, catalogAware Zclass and Versions
julio dinis
Mon, 07 Feb 2000 14:02:44 PST
Hi all,
I have a Catalog Aware Class that I use to create objects and automatically
index them (no shit! I'm a genious :)
This specific class creates me a Site Operation/Development problem every
time I start a version. This is because if in my version I create some
objects of my Class they would be indexed (again my genial brain!), then
locking my catalog, i.e, the methods I have for people to create objects
will no longer work because my version is locking the catalog.
If there is a way/how-to to a version dont do this I would apreciate
feedback. Meanwhile... if I discover a good method I'll post on the list.
I thought of every time I enter a version I rewrite/change my
class (example: a property default_catalog set to "TempCatalog") to
avoid the lock of my Current Catalog. But as you can imagine I dont want to
do this every time I start a version.
My best regards,
Júlio Silva
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