[Zope] Has anyone interfaced Zope/python to CyberCash or a si
milar credi t card processing solution?
Rob Page
Wed, 9 Feb 2000 09:56:02 -0500
CodeIt Computing (mailto:sroberts@codeit.com) has done work in this
area. I can't find their contributed stuff but I know it's out there
somewhere. I've cc:'ed Scott on this note -- hoepfully he'll pipe in!
> Unfortunately I have not... but I am very much in need of it. I have
> -at last- got a contract from a bank to do CyberCash, but meanwhile
> my whole situation has changed... I would like to do this in Zope, so
> probably most of the available code (Perl/Linux Binaries...) is not
> so much help.
> I would most be interested in having a CyberCash solution at
> the moment.
> If I can be of any help... let me know
> Jochen
> At 16:13 Uhr +1100 09.02.2000, Jay, Dylan wrote:
> >I'm planning to do this in the next month. Any tips/code would be
> >appreciated.