[Zope] Zope and Polymorphism
Tres Seaver
Thu, 10 Feb 2000 09:08:07 -0600
Ingo Assenmacher <ingo.assenmacher@post.rwth-aachen.de> wrote:
> Hi Rik.
> Am 09-Feb-00 schrieb Rik Hoekstra:
> >> Thats really ugly having to know the distingishing method names.
> >> Isn't there some method like
> >> _.inheritsfrom(_['sequence-item'],'Folder')
> >>
> >
> > This doesn't look very nice to me...
> No, it does not... but it would come in handy... :)
> > You could test whether an object was 'Folderish', but at the moment I
> > have neither a clue how to do it ;-\ nor the time to sort it out ;-(
> >
> That is ok. Knowing that an object is 'Folderish' would be enough of a clue for
> example to provide a standarised image for a folder object within a tree.
> > but you can give objectValues more arguments (the argument _is_ a list).
> > So that would mean in this case
> >
> > <dtml-in "objectValues(['Folder',
> > 'UploadFolder',AnyOtherMetatypeYouCanThinkOf, ...])">
> > [bla]
> > </dtml-in>
> >
> > Note that this can include any metatype you want, not just folders or
> > 'folderish' objects. If you want you can filter them further using their
> > attributes, properties or whatever.
> That is of course right. But let me point out a little example I have in mind:
> Right now I am constructing a container object to which arbitrary files can be
> uploaded and it is then dislplayed within a table. For that purpose I created a
> container object which can contain very general "document objects". To those I
> provided some basic information which must be included into every upload
> (description, timestamp and who-did-the-upload stuff). I thought it would be
> nice to derive some objects from this baseclass (dokument) which can have more
> properties (keywords, references etc.). On an abstract level I basically want
> to do the same with these objects: display them (plus properties) in a table.
> This could generally be done by method overloading. Ok so far. Since it could
> be possible to mix several dokument-sub classes in one container it would be
> very nice NOT to name the items to be enumerated explicitly (like providing
> more arguments to the objectValues method). Right now I could use the "feature"
> of polymorphism very much. That was what raised my question.
> If there is no such thing a polymorphism... well I can live with that and do
> some workarounds. After all it would "only" be very comfortable to simply do
> method overloading and let Zope call the right method. This would enable a
> single declaration of
> <dtml-in "objectValues(['Dokument'])">
> [display data here, even from derived objects]
> </dtml-in>
> instead of adjusting the parameter with every new sub-class of Dokument.
> Regards, Ingo
Or, as an alternative, we could extend the <dtml-in> tag to pass in a filter
expression as an additional argument::
<dtml-in name=objectValues filter="self.hasMetaType( 'Document' )">
The implementation would likely need to construct a Python code object by
synthesizing a function around the expression (or else we could expose lambda to
DTML :).
Tres Seaver tseaver@palladion.com 713-523-6582
Palladion Software http://www.palladion.com