[Zope] Optimized HTML for the manage UI
Robb Shecter
Thu, 17 Feb 2000 12:33:45 +0100
I made changes in some of the Zope code that generates the UI because
I often have to connect from slower computers over slow connections.
I found that replacing TABLE tags with BR and nbsp elements lets the
browser lay out pages much faster. Also, hardcoding image sizes makes
a big difference.
I made a bunch of changes, and the apparent speedup of the /manage
interface redraws is nearly 2x, I'd say.
Here's an example. Cut out the code below and save it as
lib/python/OFS/main.dtml. (You may want to back up the original file
first.) This will give the right hand side of the Zope Folder display
a decent speed boost on slower systems, without changing the
appearance. I made these changes on Zope 2.1.3/4. I hope including
it here inline doesn't mess it up in a big way. If there's interest,
I could make my modified files public in some way.
- Robb
--------cut here: OFS/main.dtml------------
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
<HTML lang="en">
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#000099" VLINK="#555555">
<dtml-var manage_tabs>
<dtml-if objectItems>
<dtml-in objectItems sort>
<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="ids:list" VALUE="<dtml-var sequence-key
<dtml-if icon>
<A HREF="<dtml-var sequence-key url_quote>/manage_workspace">
<IMG SRC="<dtml-var SCRIPT_NAME>/<dtml-var icon>" height="16"
ALT="[<dtml-var meta_type>]" BORDER="0"></A>
</dtml-if icon>
<A HREF="<dtml-var sequence-key url_quote>/manage_workspace">
<dtml-var sequence-key fmt="html-quote"> <dtml-if title>(<dtml-var
title fmt="html-quote">)</dtml-if>
<dtml-if locked_in_version>
<dtml-if modified_in_version>
<IMG SRC="<dtml-var SCRIPT_NAME>/p_/locked"
ALT="This item has been modified in this version">
<IMG SRC="<dtml-var SCRIPT_NAME>/p_/lockedo"
ALT="This item has been modified in another version">
(<em><dtml-var locked_in_version></em>)
<dtml-unless dontAllowCopyAndPaste>
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="manage_renameForm:method" VALUE="Rename">
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="manage_cutObjects:method" VALUE="Cut">
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="manage_copyObjects:method" VALUE="Copy">
<dtml-if cb_dataValid>
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="manage_pasteObjects:method"