[Zope] GenericUserFolder has locked me out.
Curtis Maloney
Thu, 24 Feb 2000 15:08:29 +1100
On Thu, 24 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> Curtis Maloney writes:
> > Maybe I wasn't reading the docs closely enough, but once I dropped that
> > GenericUserFolder into my folder, that's it. the end.
> RTFM. Especially with alternative acl_user products as it's trivial to
> lock yourself out if you replace the base level acl_users folder. This
> is particularly important with GUF as it takes a fair amount of work
> to get a usable system built out of it that will let you log in and do
> things.
You're telling me... never let this happen again....
It was only because, in fact, for some reason <dtml-in
"FSSession.has_key('string')"> would SOMETIMES fek up, but dropping the "s
made it work, that i even considered GUF.
go figure...
> > I can't get in, even as the superuser. I can't FTP in.
Removing the GUF > > product just stops IT from stopping me getting in, but it
seems to have dug its > > claws into some other hooks, so I STILL can't get in.
> >
> > Ever tried removing an object from an export in XML? I'm finding it a little
> > tricky to follow. Even so, when i try to import it again, Zope barfs up some
> > complaint about a KeyError on "id".
> >
> > So... can anyone suggest how I might recover from this disaster?
> Here's what I suggested to the last unfortunate victim, based on by own dimwitted
> experiences :-) Note that this may not work with Zope 2.1.4 (I did it
> on 2.1.2 and upgraded after that).
> http://lists.zope.org/pipermail/zope/2000-February/019389.html
John, thanks for the very prompt reply.... it's just a pity it doesn't work.
Just as before, whenever i try to enter the management screens of that
directory, i get shunted to the VIEW, no questions asked.
> John.
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