[Zope] Fourth request for help - Win2K+Zope
Michel Pelletier
Sun, 27 Feb 2000 02:49:31 -0800
We compile Zope for Win32 on NT with MS's compiler. This binary works
on 95/98 and all various flavors of NT. If it does not work on 2K, then
I suspect, although obviously I have no proof, that it's a 2Kism.
Your choice of platform is, of course, your choice. We are probably the
wrong audience to ask what kind of platform you should switch to. I
agree that we should ensure that Zope runs on 2K, but without any
customers that want/need this, it will not happen unless someone can
pinpoint with some accuracy how exactly it fails on 2K.
You are correct in your earlier post that this is a list of peer
assistance. Luke Tymowski responded on Tuesday to you post that it
works on 2K as a service for him:
> It works.
> I just installed Zope on a Toshiba laptop running W2K Pro, and it runs
> properly as a service.
> It's a fresh install of W2K.
> Python installed correctly.
> Zope installed correctly.
> Zope runs correctly on either port 8080 or port 80.
Also on Tuesday Toby Dickenson confirmed Luke's report:
> I have been running several python services, including Zope 2.1.(3,4),
> on a late beta of windows 2000. So far I've not encountered any
> problems beyond what I would expect with NT4.
Taking these two points and drawing a line seems to indicate that Zope
does run on 2K. Have you considered that the problem is not Zope at
all, but perhaps some sort of conflict with your existing setup or some
other parameter?
Michael Simcich wrote:
> This is a realatively clean install of Windows 2000. I guess I will try the
> python lists, but immediately... I have no idea about pyhthon, so... and no
> I don't have any VPN software running.
> By platform I wasn't referring to Win vs Linux, I intend to use Linux in the
> long run and am experimenting with it now. I just don't need it's learning
> curve at the same time I'm of dealing with Zope/Python's. I was referring to
> application development platforms. The group of tools I've been
> evaluating/working with include zope, php, asp, and cf. As far as I can
> tell, having had only minor hands on with zope, it's the most interesting
> fit for my needs. But if I can't get the thing to turn over... then it's not
> relevant.
> I think this experience has shown me some of what it means to work with a
> product that's less mainstream than what I'm used to. I've pretty much
> worked with VB level tools. I guess I'm somewhat spoiled by the huge pool of
> experienced users with those products.
> I still have a hard time believing that there isn't like... you know,
> something I can check? A setting? That the Zope community knows about. This
> is perhaps part of what was brought up in another thread running here, that
> perhaps in comparison with more widely used products like perl or php, Zope
> is in some ways a bit resource thin. This would almost have to be the case,
> it's just newer and has a smaller community behind it. I'm sure this will
> change. Since all of the languages are imperfect, at first they all have
> some dimly lit corners that need discovery and documentation.
> BTW, I dont' get anything like a python.exe Application Error, I just get...
> absolutely nothing. No errors, nothing.
> Michael Simcich
> AccessTools
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martijn Pieters [mailto:mj@digicool.com]
> Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2000 10:52 PM
> To: 'Michael Simcich'; zope@zope.org
> Subject: RE: [Zope] Fourth request for help - Win2K+Zope
> From: Michael Simcich [mailto:msimcich@accesstools.com]
> > I wonder what it takes to get some assistance with this
> > issue? I have to
> > assume that none of my peer Zope users out there knows what
> > to do with my
> > problem (Zope doesn't run under Windows 2000 as detailed in
> > previous posts).
> > So what do you all recommend that I try next? As far as I
> > know this list is
> > about it for peer level support so is my only alternative to
> > see if DC is
> > willing to enter into the smallest support contract ever seen?
> >
> > Sorry for the repetitive posts, but I need to get this thing
> > working. Unless
> > someone can point me to a better platform <g>. I am just
> > really disappointed
> > and frustrated with the lack of assistance and... a working
> > copy of Zope.
> Heh, I wouldn't start about this platform thingy if I were you =)
> I don't know anything about Win2k, but I did see something on the DC
> support list about certain types of VPN software interfering. Both
> PGPNet and Connect for Windows, caused a similar problem (python.exe
> Application Error), which disappeared after removing them.
> Maybe some software component on your server is interfering with Python?
> Try a clean, minimal install of Win2k.
> Other than that, you could try the python mailinglist, as it doesn't
> sound like something particular to Zope. And ActiveState
> (http://www.activestate.com/) supports python on Win32, and Mark Hammond
> works there now. Maybe they can help as well (for a fee I imagine).
> --
> Martijn Pieters, Software Engineer
> | Digital Creations http://www.digicool.com
> | Creators of Zope http://www.zope.org
> | mailto:mj@digicool.com ICQ: 4532236
> | PGP:
> http://wwwkeys.nl.pgp.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xA8A32149
> -------------------------------------------
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