[Zope] Fourth request for help - Win2K+Zope
Michael Simcich
Sun, 27 Feb 2000 17:24:57 -0800
Hi Tres -
Everything you've said makes sense. There is no compare between what DC
offers and what MS offers. DC says here is the product for free and we'll
more or less be available to help you with quirks. MS sells you the product
and that's the end of the story. I didn't intent to start howling about DC,
they've done something significant for all of us by making Zope available. I
*was* very frustrated with the fact that there didn't seem to be any
recourse to a dead zope install, and that this didn't seem to be very
important to anyone.
> Don't misread DC -- they _do_ have an interest in supporting Zope on
> what they don't have is the ability to troubleshoot your configuration in
> absence of more specific data than you provide, especially given reports
> other Win2K users that it "works for them" there. Somebody (Martijn
Pieters, I
> think?) gave you pointers for stepping into the Zope startup process using
> Python debugger:
Martijn was kind enough to get me started with the debugger and it was fixed
very simply. So they did have the ability to troubleshoot my config to some
extent even though I couldn't tell them more than "nothing happens". I was
hunting for exactly this sort of pointer - what else can I try if Zope won't
turn over? It took me seven days to get that little tip, and a lot of wasted
bandwidth on the list (sheesh, four posts on the same issue... but what else
could I do?)
I don't think it's easy for most of the folks here to get how foreign Zope
is to someone like myself. With Martijn's help I was able to start up the
python debugger and interpret what it reported, but without that first
pointer from Martijn I've no idea what to try. I seemed to mostly get advice
to the effect that "Well it's Windoze what do you expect?" That... just
doesn't help much.
The impression I get from having paid attention to this list for a couple of
months is that it's composed of a very sophisticated and mature group. I
know there has been some talk recently about going off half cocked, but
compared to most lists I've had exposure to this list is already way ahead
of the game. Hopefully I will find Zope a good fit and will eventually be
able to contribute something useful myself.
Ah - what does "Hic sunt draconis" translate to? In context it's clear, but
it would be fun to know the literal meaning <g>.
Michael Simcich
-----Original Message-----
From: zope-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-admin@zope.org]On Behalf Of Tres
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2000 2:32 PM
To: zope@zope.org; Michael Simcich
Subject: Re: [Zope] Fourth request for help - Win2K+Zope
Michael Simcich <msimcich@accesstools.com> wrote
> I know what most everyone here would recommend I switch to, Linux for OS
> Zope for writing applications. That at least is not obscured. And the
> reasons are transparent too, Linux works well if you know it, and Zope is
> unlike any other tool we have available. I was interested in evaluating
> first, before learning Linux, but perhaps I don't have that choice.
For simple feature evaluation, try a Win98 or NT box, and stick to using
as a service -- Zope works beautifully in those configurations (modulo some
Win95/8 weirdness on startup if you don't have DNS handy).
> Oh... I just saw that you wrote "but without any customers that want/need
> this, it will not happen unless someone can pinpoint with some accuracy
> exactly it fails on 2K". I didn't get that before - you are talking about
> DC's paying customers. It's certainly a fair division, but I hadn't quite
> plugged it in as this much of a factor in how Zope is
> extended/fixed/understood. I should have, it makes sense, I just didn't
> it in this way before.
Your real problem is that Win2K is uncharted territory for almost everyone
this list: "Hic sunt draconis" is the first response for most. That said,
routinely move folders and products between Zopes running on both Linux and
precisely to avoid depending on platform idiosyncracies.
> > Have you considered that the problem is not Zope at
> > all, but perhaps some sort of conflict with your existing setup or some
> > other parameter?
> Of course I have, and of course I have no idea what to look for. What I
> hoping for was a pointer or two, Zope is a black box to me. No errors are
> produced, as I said, so any failure between it and W2K is unrecorded. I
> don't really care if it's Zope or python or Win2K or my rig that has a
> "problem" if indeed there is either a real problem or just a mismatched
> switch or two, I just want to know how to accommodate "it".
The classic Windows troubleshooting procedure goes something like:
* Install Windows on a bare box, using the VGA driver (video drivers are
_notorious_ for causing pseudo-random bugs in apparently unrelated
applications). Snapshot the registry to a text file.
* Install only the software which you are trying to install, and test
(if it breaks here, your next best bet on the system side is the network
card driver). Snapshot the registry to another text file.
* Add the other components of the system one a time, testing after each
and snapshotting the registry to a new text file. When the app in
breaks, diff the two most recen registry snapshots, and look at the
installed by the most recently-installed app.
> I'm coming from the MS world. There if a problem arises, as they do in
> abundance, everyone involved with the products more or less has a stake in
> resolving problems. In a way, they all share the baseline weaknesses of
> Windows realm and MS's products. My brick wall is their brick wall, to
> extent. Here, my brick wall is... mine.
Don't misread DC -- they _do_ have an interest in supporting Zope on Win2K;
what they don't have is the ability to troubleshoot your configuration in
absence of more specific data than you provide, especially given reports
other Win2K users that it "works for them" there. Somebody (Martijn
Pieters, I
think?) gave you pointers for stepping into the Zope startup process using
Python debugger: if you can, doing that and reporting the full context at
place things go haywire is the surest way to get resolution (short of buying
support contract, that is -- but then, the first thing DC would do is to
the exact same troubleshooting).
And to answer the subtext: I have been working with Microsoft platforms
professionally for the last 10 years, and I have gotten significant help
Microsoft exactly _once_ in the dozens of support calls I made, some on
of Fortune 100 companies (I don't consider "try reinstalling Windows and see
that helps" to be "significant help"). I see far better support here daily,
from both DC and the Zope community, than I ever expect to see from the
> Anyways, thanks for clearing up some of these things for me. With any luck
> I'll be able to spend some time with a working copy of Zope sometime in
> near future and my questions will be more resolvable.
Tres Seaver tseaver@palladion.com 713-523-6582
Palladion Software http://www.palladion.com
Zope maillist - Zope@zope.org
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