[Zope] Re: zope 2.1.3-1 deb package
Petr Knapek
28 Feb 2000 09:48:58 +0100
Hi Gregor,
sorry that I answer now, but I havn't be on e-mail past few days. I
tried to chenge the content of an external method in binary release and
it worked as I had written. The zope has seen the change automatically
without any additional 'Edit' of the external method. That is the 2.1.3
zope deb package seems to have different functionality. I have to note
the binary release was 2.1.2 and not 2.1.3. I havn't tested it with
binary release 2.1.3.
Petr Knápek
PVT.NET, e-mail: petr.knapek@pvt.net, tel:+420-5-41 558 394
PVT a.s. - pvt.net, Veveří 102, 659 10 Brno, Czech Republic