[Zope] Using SQL aggregate functions

Monty Taylor mtaylor@goldridge.net
Mon, 28 Feb 2000 12:58:07 +0000

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I think I've found a small bug in ZMySQLDA. In db.py, there is a
dictionary called defs, which maps the types returned by MySQL into
single letter type flags, or some such thing. When you use an aggregate
function such as count, the type returned is 'unhandled', which doesn't
have a matching key in the defs dictionary. I edited the db.py file,
adding an entry for 'unhandled' mapping it to 't'. I don't know that 't'
is really what it wants, maybe someone else can shed light on which type
would be better.

I'm including a python command line session illustrating what's going
on, plus the code from db.py that I'm talking about ...

Python 1.5.2 (#1, Sep 17 1999, 20:15:36)  [GCC egcs-2.91.66
19990314/Linux (egcs- on linux-i386
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
>>> import MySQL, regex, sys
>>> from string import strip, split, find, join
>>> from time import gmtime, strftime
>>> dbh=MySQL.connect('xxxxx','xxxxxx','xxxxxx')
>>> dbh.selectdb('xxxx')
>>> sth=dbh.query('SELECT id, count(request_id) as request_id from results group by id')
>>> desc=sth.fields()
>>> res=sth.fetchrows()
>>> for d in desc:
...   d[0]                  
>>> for d in desc:
...   d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]
('id', 'results', 'short', 5)
('request_id', 'SQLa90_1d6_0', 'unhandled', 21)
>>> for r in res:
...   r
[None, '9']
[1L, '2']
[2L, '2414']


"""Db connection implementation"""
__version__='$Revision: 1.9 $'[11:-2]

import MySQL, regex, sys


class DB:

        "short": "i", "long": "i", "char": "s", "double": "n",
"decimal": "n",
        "float": "n", "tiny blob": "t", "medium blob": "t", "long blob":
        "blob": "t", "date": "d", "time": "s", "datetime": "d",
        "timestamp": "d", "varchar": "t", "string": "t", "unhandled":
        }                              """ This was missing ^^^^    
^^^^ """


John Williams wrote:
> I have been trying to use SQL aggregate functions in SQL Methods to
> calculate some statistics e.g. something like
> SELECT id,count(id) from data group by field
> I am using MySQL, and the query works if entered directly from another
> client, however Zopes SQL method returns an error. Is this a known
> problem. Is there a known workaround or patch?
> --
> Dr. John A.R. Williams
> Photonics Research Group
> Telecommunications Technology Programme Director
> Aston University
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