[Zope] huge Data.fs

Tomaso Scarsi heimat@www.maldura.unipd.it
Tue, 4 Jan 2000 14:58:40 +0100 (CET)

I'm using zope2.0.1 on linux;
i've built some little sites based on squishdot with about 200 postings;

today I wanted to backup the var/Data.fs and I noticed that the file size
it's over 100Mb;

all I want to know is if this size it's normal or maybe there's something


|      .--.                                                    |
|     |o_o |                                                   |
|     |:_/ |      Tomaso Scarsi   heimat@www.maldura.unipd.it  |
|    //   \ \     C.I.S. Maldura                               |
|   (|     | )    Facolta' di Lettere                          |
|  /'\_   _/`\    Universita' di Padova                        |
|  \___)=(___/                                                 |