[Zope] Re: forms and variable mix-ups

Stuart 'Zen' Bishop zen@cs.rmit.edu.au
Wed, 5 Jan 2000 16:25:59 +1100 (EST)

On Tue, 4 Jan 2000, Hung Jung Lu wrote:

> the ":list" suffix, the form returns a string instead of a list of one 
> single string. I have no clue whether this is problem of HTML/Python/Zope... 
> (I asked the question but got no answer, sorry.)

It is an artifact of the design of HTML forms, so you can blame Netscape
if you think it is a bug rather than a feature (or was it CERN?).

   //     Zen (alias Stuart Bishop)     Work: zen@cs.rmit.edu.au
  // E N  Senior Systems Alchemist      Play: zen@shangri-la.dropbear.id.au
 //__     Computer Science, RMIT 	 WWW: http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/~zen