[Zope] Re: Username & Passwords

Andrey V Khavryutchenko akhavr@compchem.kiev.ua
09 Jan 2000 18:55:33 +0200

Hi, Steve! 

>>>>> "SF" == Steve Froggatt writes:

SF> Hello I want to create a directory that can only be accessed with a
SF> user name and password. Is this possible, and if so how? Also how do
SF> you go about letting someone create there own user profile.

You should investigate UserFolder products, beginning from
BasicUserFolder.  I believe the documentation, that comes with Zope
describes it.

SY, Andrey V Khavryutchenko  http://www.kbi.kiev.ua/~akhavr
Software & SPI Engineer      Visit my site

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	There is no problem a good miracle can't solve.