[Zope] ZClass A within ZClass A within ZClass A ...

Thomas Duterme thomas@madeforchina.com
Thu, 13 Jan 2000 08:50:14 +0800


I'm currently building a 'URLstore', a product which will classify articles
by their URLS.

I am having a slight problem with Zclassses.  I have created an objectAware
Zclass named 'Category' and have created another Zclass within it named

I need the product to be able to create  Category instances (so far no
problem) and then within the category create an Introarticle instance
(again simple stuff) but also give an option to create another Category
Instance WITHIN the first category instance.

Something like this if that wasn't clear:

Category 1:
	IntroArt 1
	IntroArt 2
	Category A:
		Category a:
	Category B
	Category C
Category 2:
    	<same as above>

I am a beginner at OOP so perhaps the above situation is very simple, but
so far I have racked my brains against my keyboard enough to cause a minor
headache (and my poor keyboard isn't looking so hot either anymore)  Any
help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
