[Zope] Fix for SiteAccess bug affecting ZCatalog users

Evan Simpson evan@4-am.com
Tue, 11 Jan 2000 19:05:37 -0600

There's a subtle bug in current and older versions of SiteAccess which
can cause ZCatalog and dependent Products to fail.  If you use an Access
Rule in your root folder which alters REQUEST.path (for virtual hosting
purposes, for example) then all ZCatalogs will return incorrect objects.

In Products/SiteAccess/ChangeBehaviors.py, delete lines 68 and 69, or
comment them out so that they look like:

            #if allow_btr: self.before_traverse(object, response)
            #entry_name = ''

This ought to fix the problem.  Please let me know if it doesn't.  If
nobody says anything, this will become SiteAccess v0.2.1

Also, a word of warning:  Since ZCatalog doesn't store information (such
as the request's hostname and port) used to determine object access
paths under virtual hosting, you should avoid adding objects to a
Catalog via one virtual host (or raw access) and retrieving them via


Evan @ 4-am