[Zope] Fw: Problems with Netscape

Jeroen Baekelandt jeroen.baekelandt@inno.com
Wed, 19 Jan 2000 16:53:02 +0100

You indeed have some weird problem with links, seems like you get forwarded
to the index page for all the links. Dunno bout that. But pages not showing
properly or blank is most likely because you don't close <table>'s properly.

I don't want to start a browser war here, but if you want to be sorta sure
that your site will show properly with most browsers, check it with netscape
instead of IE, 'cause IE doesn't really care about the HTML standards, it
renders everything, with or without mistakes. You could think of this as a
positive point for IE, but in fact, this causes a lot of trouble, because
people who make pages (and i'm not saying you here, i mean the people
creating pages without actualy knowing anything about the web, and believe
me, there are a lot of that kind), don't have to adhere to the standard
while working with MS products. This way, people start thinking Netscape is
trash, 'cause it doesn't show all their pages. No, most of the time the
pages are trash, 'cause they don't adhere the HTML standard.

But anyway, there are a lot of other ways to make IE show pages netscape
can't show. If your table tags are all fully closed (also <tr> and <td>) and
you use JavaScript, check if there are any IE specific constructs in there.

I really don't know about the links not working, but it seems to be some
forwarding thing, cause my netscape flashes a bit when clicking a link.
Again, if you use javascript stuff, check it out.

And again, I don't mean to offend you with the IE/Netscape en HTML standards
page (hell, maybe you write strictly standard HTML code, and the problem is
something completely different), but I've had a lot of troubles with
customers not wanting to believe that there is other software than MS
software, and therefore only write HTML code that only shows on IE.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: zope-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-admin@zope.org]On Behalf Of Steve
> Froggatt
> Sent: woensdag 19 januari 2000 15:12
> To: zope@zope.org
> Subject: [Zope] Fw: Problems with Netscape
> When I use IE to view my website (www.cbsolutions.co.uk) everything works
> fine, but when I use Netscape half of the pages are missing and
> the links do
> not work.
> Any Ideas
> Thanks
> Steve
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