[Zope] Re: Thoughts on a ZClass Squishdot

Butch Landingin butchland@yahoo.com
Tue, 25 Jan 2000 01:00:09 -0800 (PST)

I've written another design document regarding a
new technique I've been using to develop ZClasses...
It's somewhat related to the discussion you've
been having on the Zope-PTK list but its a little
bit off-tangent from your discussion.

I've focused on a "related" problem of integrating
lists of heterogenous objects returned by searchable 
functions and being able to customize their rendering while
at the same time not being tightly coupled to these
objects returned... (if my explanation is somewhat
fuzzy, try reading the article I wrote -- I'd appreciate
your comments...)

The URL is here:  http://squishdot.org/948790303/index_html


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