[Zope] Fwd: Rename BUG

Thomas mail.madeforchina.com@zope.org
Tue, 25 Jan 2000 17:51:49 +0800

Hello again List,

I have finally fixed the bug... temporarily.  I had multiple catalogs
and it appeared that Johnathon's idea worked.  (Thanks again
Johnathon)  I exported all of the Catalogs and then deleted all
of them... this enabled me to rename all my objects. <phew>

On that note though, is this planned on being fixed in the next 
release of Zope?


> Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 17:02:45 +0800
> To: zope@zope.org
> From: Thomas <mail.madeforchina.com>
> Subject: Rename BUG
> Hi,
> I am responding to my own post, and am submitting a
> bit extra information and some strange behaviors. 
> Johnathon wrote me back and suggested I export the 
> catalog, delete it, rename the ids, and then reimport
> the catalog.  I did that, but still the same error appeared.  
> Now, I downloaded data.fs onto my local Zope and on
> my local Zope I am able to rename. (which is just weird)
> ..why can't I do this on the live server?  I guess I could 
> then reupload data.fs, but I'd prefer not to do that since
> the site would be down for some time then.  Any ideas 
> at all on this one would be very much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> T
> Original Post Below
> ------------------------
> Dear Zope Folks,
> I have a ZCLASS named article. When creating an 'article', an external 
> method is called which translated the id value so as to avoid any character 
> which Zope does not like 
> For example, if I input:
> "http://www.zope.org/helpmeplease.html" as the article id, the 
> constructor translates this into:
> http%3a%2f%2fwww.zope.org%2fhelpmeplease.htm
> I have already created a few dozen of these articles and now realize that 
> it is a very bad idea to namethings this way. Renaming these is normally 
> not a problem. Now I also have a 'Catalog' which keeps track of all these 
> new articles. I cleared the catalog, find all again within the catalog, 
> and now try to rename and I get the following error message:
> Error Type: ValueError 
> Error Value: Uncatalog of absent id 
> '51go/Games/Bible/http%253a%252f%252fbob.com'
> It looks like the internal id is different from the external id that Zope 
> presents me... ie it ran the script twice and decoded the url twice. I 
> don't care anymore about that script and just want to rename these objects.
> Its strange... I can update and change the objects properties, but cannot 
> change the article's name. Has anyone else seen this error message before? 
> Any help or ideas on how to get around this error message would be very 
> much appreciated.
> Tom