[Zope] pipedream : fork a dtml-method within zope ?
Anthony Baxter
Anthony Baxter <anthony@interlink.com.au>
Thu, 27 Jan 2000 10:20:19 +1100
>>> chas wrote
> Consider a discussion forum product where a dozen people
> have already participated in a particular thread. These
> people, when posting their messages, checked a box which
> said "email me when somebody else responds/adds to this
> thread". (Yes, this is nicked from Cold Fusion Forums :-)
> Now, a 13th person adds his 2 cents to the thread and posts
> a response. We want to now send a mail to each of the first
> 12 participants.
> No problem so far, except mailing all 12 people is going to
> take quite a bit of time, and contributor #13 is going to
> get impatient waiting whilst this is happening. Then imagine
> a discussion thread with dozens of participants/posts.
How about something like 'write the message and the recipients to
a database table, then have something poll that table.'
Or have a local mailer set up to receive messages for delivery
immediately, and point Zope at that - actually formatting up
the message for delivery shouldn't take that long (particularly
if it's the same message - you format it once, send it 12 times.)
Anthony Baxter <anthony@interlink.com.au>
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.