[Zope] Any news from ZOPE track?

Anthony Baxter Anthony Baxter <anthony@interlink.com.au>
Thu, 27 Jan 2000 20:58:42 +1100

>>> Magnus Heino wrote
> > - A really cool workgroup email/calendarding/contact management system
> > called WorldPilot (which is based on Zope) is going to be open-
> > sourced...
> http://demo.worldpilot.com:8080/site/

> A beta is available for download...

I've got this working on my standard Zope CVS install - I had to copy
just the lib/python/Products/WorldPilot/ directory to my install, then
make the directories specified in the INSTALL file. Problems 
I've found so far:

It expects a pickled file in /var/spool/worldpilot/sessions/Logons to
exist - I think I fooled it here by making it a pickle of an empty
dictionary. from looking at the code, this seems ok.
Something like the following will work:

% cd /var/spool/worldpilot/sessions
% python 
Python 1.5.2 (#2, Sep 12 1999, 16:22:52)  [GCC] on linux2
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
>>> import cPickle
>>> cPickle.Pickler(open('Logons', 'wb')).dump({})
>>> ^D (to exit python)

When you create a WorldPilot object, you get something that looks 
a lot like the add form from the Poll product :)

The code's a leeetle bit too enthusiastic with bareword 'except:' 
clauses around problem areas. This can make finding problems a bit

Other than that, it seems to be working fine - I had to tweak the
source a little to get it to use the IMAP server that I wanted, but
heck, that's fine. 
