[Zope] sort=id, _.map, _.lambda woes
Marco Mariani
Sat, 1 Jul 2000 19:18:27 +0200
Hi all!
I need the following:
<dtml-in "store.fileValues()" sort=id>
where "id" is a filename representing a number.
Of course, sort uses it like a string and sorts it wrong.
Maybe, since sortexpr= is not implemented (yet?) I could
get away with:
<dtml-in "_.map(_.int,store.fileValues())" sort=id>
but _.map doesn't exist (nor _.lambda. Why?)
What is the Right Thing to do?
I already know the easy answer (external method) :-)
Of couse I cannot add an order property to the file objects,
as they're in LocalFS.
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