[Zope] Fun with Trees
Dieter Maurer
Mon, 3 Jul 2000 00:15:03 +0200 (CEST)
Charlie Wilkinson writes:
> I'm trying to use dtml-tree to create a selective menu of objects based
> on whether or not the object has an "add_to_menu" property. I've pretty
> much figured out that I need a wrapper around objectValues that will
> filter out the objects that don't have the "add_to_menu" property.
> This wrapper would be called with dtml-tree's "branches" attribute.
> I'm trying to do this wrapper in a DTML method and I've gotten all the
> way to where I have to return a list of "actual objects", so says the
> DTML Quick Reference.
> Is there someone who could 'splain to me how to build a list of objects
> in DTMLese?
> Here's what I have so far (obviously not working):
> <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('ret', '')">
> <dtml-in "objectValues()" sort=id>
> <dtml-if "_.has_key('add_to_menu')">
> <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('ret', ret + ' ' + _['sequence-item'])">
> </dtml-if>
> </dtml-in>
> <dtml-return "_.string.split(ret)">
That's perfect.
Almost surely, your problem results from the fact
that "dtml-tree" does not expect "branches" to be
a DTML method and does not pass a namespace to it.
I do not know, how you can avoid this (other than
changing the "dtml-tree" code.