[Zope] Comments on 2.2 Help System
Chris Withers
Mon, 03 Jul 2000 12:52:36 +0100
Apart from the 'Wow! Zope has Help!' comment:
The API documentation is very useful.
How do we feedback about it? (eg: why is there PropertySheet and
When will it be complete?
How do we submit docs to appear in it? What is the moderation process
Sadly, the rest of the 'Zope Help' section needs a lot more structure to
be useful. At the moment, the names don't even fit in their browser pane
Perhaps something along the lines of the portal structure on
zdp.zope.org would be useful for categorising these documents?
If these are the 'help screens' you get when you click the help button,
maybe they shouldn't be listed here at all?
I have to say, I think the M$ help system on Windows might be a better
1. A Contents Page - kindof like the zdp portal listing, or a contents
section of a book.
2. An index page - A list of all the documents in the help system, which
seems to be largely what the 'contents' tab is now.
3. Search - which needs to be explained better than it is. Can boolean
searching be used? Do I need to quote things? How do I search for
(Maybe a help screen would be useful ;-)
Maybe there should be links to the Contents Page as well as help on your
current location from in the management interface?
Finally, you should make it clear elsewhere that /HelpSys on your site
will go to the Zope help system. Maybe this needs to be blockable, after
all, why should www.mysite.com/HelpSys give the Zope help system, when I
might want it to be my company's help system for their products?
Which suggests that maybe the help system should be a separate product
from Zope, running on its own server. For example, take a company which
has LOTS of zope servers. The sysadmin would prefer to maintain one
up-to-date copy of the Zope docs on a 'documentation server' which has
documentation for all the Zope versions in use, rather than wastefully
running the same number of documentation servers as there are Zope
...heaven forbid, DC could actually run a master one of these at
doc.zope.org which would be the most complete and up to date...