[Zope] Authentication, Anonymous and Public

Stuart Bishop zen@cs.rmit.edu.au
Tue, 4 Jul 2000 18:50:11 +1000 (EST)

On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Dieter Maurer wrote:

> Capesius, Alan writes:
>  > I'm running into a problem after implementing jcNTUserFolder in a 
>  > subfolder of my site. Users can access the root level or particular 
>  > subfolders anonymously. Once a user accesses the protected 
>  > NTUserFolder, the credentials are saved in the browser. If the user 
>  > then returns to the anonymous area, they can no longer access th 
>  > folder due to the browser credentials.
>  > 
>  > Does Zope have a mechanism equivalent to the Novell NDS Public access?
>  > that is to say:
>  > 
>  > Anonymous = not authenticated.
>  > Everyone = authenticated users (that are members of the group)
>  > Public = authenticated and anonymous users.
> In Zope, each user has a set of roles.
> Any user has the "Anonymous" role. Log-in users may have
> additional roles.
> Thus, what you see, should not happen.

Users, by default, are not granted the 'Anonymous' role. If you
explicity grant the Anonymous role to your users you will get the behaviour
you want.

Earlier than current versions of GUF automatically did this, but I changed
it in the later releases after I saw the error pointed our by Ty or Phillip -
this may be a source of some confusion.

This email live from drizzly Queensland :-(

Stuart Bishop                          Work: zen@cs.rmit.edu.au
Senior Systems Alchemist               Play: zen@shangri-la.dropbear.id.au
Computer Science, RMIT University