[Zope] Is Zope slow?
Thu, 6 Jul 2000 04:13:31 -0400 (EDT)
Hi, thanks for your comment.
>Absolutely. Apache is many times faster than Zope. (Don't know >much about AOLserver, but anything with AOL..... :)
>However, Apache can't do squat compared with Zope when it comes >to dynamic content.
Not true. I have been programming using PHP and PERL, and together with Apache(DSO) they are quite fast. They do offer sessions tracking, authentication, database API + other features. It's just that due to the increasing 'hype':) on Zope and the vast array of features that it seems to offer, i'm sort of "attracted" by it:)
Of course if i have time, i will play ard with it and see how good it is. Problem is that time is not really on my side and i need to decide on my next development tool fast(i have yet to try out other stuff e.g. ASP, JSP, Servlet..) I heard that the learning curve for Zope is quite steep, plus the documentation is not(?) that comprehensive, compared to e.g. PHP. What are your comments though? i may be wrong here...
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