[Zope] RE: Re[2]: [Zope] Is Zope slow?

Firestar theebh@mail.com
Thu, 6 Jul 2000 04:49:43 -0400 (EDT)

Hi john, u can check out the benchmark here:



------Original Message------
From: John Morton <jwm@plain.co.nz>
To: Curtis Maloney <curtis@umd.com.au>, theebh@mail.com
Sent: July 6, 2000 4:12:33 AM GMT
Subject: Re[2]: [Zope] Is Zope slow?
AOLServer was called something else before AOL bought it. It's basically
an httpd with tcl sitting on top of a nice API to such an extent that
pretty much anything you'd want to do with a web server can be scripted in
tcl. The neat thing is that it's been doing what mod_[your favourite
language]+apache does since 1994. Philip Greenspun of 'P&A's Guide to Web
Publishing' fame swear's by it. 

The question is - what were they doing in the benchmark? Zope, out of the
box, is doing things like transactioning, authenication/authorization,
acquisition for each hit, while AOLserver will only have that level of
functionality if it's coupled with the ArsDigita Community System, and a
suitable RDBMS (Oracle or maybe postgresql).

We're almost certainly talking about an apples and oranges comparison, but
I'd be interested in a look if someone has the URL.


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