[Zope] RE:How do I merge form & URL vars into sql easily

Michael Blewett michael.blewett@sci.monash.edu.au
Fri, 07 Jul 2000 12:04:07 +1000

At 20:39 6/07/2000 -0400, R. David Murray wrote:

>Once you generate an output page, the user views it, and then clicks
>again, you have a brand new REQUEST object that can only get values
>from the *new* web page.  Others have been tripped by this, expecting
>the REQUEST fields to automatically carry over from one form to
>the next.  They don't, unless you explicitly put hidden fields into
>your form to store the variables values for the next REQUEST.
>But as long as you are still server side and making DTML calls,
>REQUEST is there.

Maybe I should have mentioned that my bucket gets emptied after each new 
page is requested...just to keep the analogy going...

Thanks for clarifying that - always happy to be corrected, especially if it 
makes things clearer.

  - Michael
Michael Blewett
Computer Support Mgr - Biological Sciences
Monash University (Clayton Campus)
Victoria Australia 3168

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