[Zope] trailing whitespace optimization

Paul Abrams paul@hiringtools.com
Tue, 11 Jul 2000 09:49:16 -0700 (PDT)


I got it to work :)

 I used the rstrip method from the string module to trim
trailing whitespace from the end of each line whenever a
document template gets saved. I tested it with DTML
Documents and Methods, which both worked fine. It doesn't
affect properties, so if you need to render trailing
whitespace for some reason you could store that as a

The mods are listed below. If you use it, let me know what
you think and I'll write it up.


Trim Trailing Whitespace Optomization
There were two changes to one file.

-from string import split, strip
+from string import split, strip, rstrip

def munge(self,source_string=None,mapping=None,**vars):
    Change the text or default values for a document

+    """ Optomization start - trim trailing whitespace to
reduce file sizes by 10-50% """
+    my_lines=split(source_string,'\n')
+    my_source=''
+    for my_line in
+    source_string=my_source
+    """ Optomization end """

    if mapping is not None or vars:
        self.initvars(mapping, vars)
    if source_string is not None: 

--- Tino Wildenhain <tino@peacock.de> wrote:
> Gregory Haley wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Paul,
> > 
> > You're right about the size of files with trailing
> blanks.
> > I had a file of over 1 meg yesterday, and when I
> striped all
> > the blanks it was only 47K, pretty radical reduction.
> > 
> > There is an external Python method that is part of the
> zope
> > Extenions library, it should be in something called
> > /opt/zope/Extensions/ called strip_blanks.py.  You can
> > attach it to your zope session, then it is called via:
> > 
> >    <dtml-var "strip_blank(varName)[:-1]">
> > 
> Is this the same as calling <dtml-var
> "_.string.strip(varName)"> 
> only slower? ;-) 
> Regards
> Tino Wildenhain

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