[Zope] Fetching data from external methods
Jarkko Veijalainen
Wed, 12 Jul 2000 15:37:18 +0300
I've been trying almost two weeks with this problem. I have read 'tons' on
zope documentation and mailing lists.
I have this dtml form, which submits two values to external method. External
method searches LDAP directory with submitted values and returns an
object(class) with 5-30 values. I know only how to return plain text to Zope
(return obj.__dict__ or return obj.value1). How i return those values in
zope and embed those values into dtml file.
I have some kind of clue, how i want to do this (or do i?):
can i make Zclass and return values into that and call Zclass
variables in dtml?
in fact only problem here is how i return values from external
method like obj.value1 , obj.value2.... into zope and use them in
dtml or/and in Zclass instances.
Please, somobody save my nerves and help me figure solution with this