[Zope] simple instructions for site search
Fri, 14 Jul 2000 09:30:09 -0700
On 14 Jul 2000, at 8:37, Chris Withers wrote:
> sean@horse101.com wrote:
> > Does this explain why I see Squishdot and ZChat messages in the
> > catalog,
Actually, I have cleared and recreated the index, and ZChat
message show up in the catalog but I cannot find them in
searches. Squishdot does not show up in either, even though I
have selected the squishdot object and folder.
> That's odd, what catalog(s) do they show up in?
full_site shows up under itself (full_site)
> > but when I search for something in squishdot or Zchat I get
> > no matches? I am still running squishdot 3.x I do have the catalog
> > included in my searched items.
> So you have the Squishdot object (Folder type thing) included in another
> catalog?
> Hmmm, this would all seem to imply that what Jens said about catalogs
> not searching other catalogs that are included in their search items
> isn't true...
> cheers,
> Chris