[Zope] FW: [Zope] linuxworld article

George Donnelly gsd@mac.com
Sun, 16 Jul 2000 21:54:12 +0900

this is a smear and a cowardly one. one small complaint about the default
dtml methods produced when creating a zclass does not an intelligent
criticism make!

zope is not perfect  but he failed to describe any serious problems. imo

The truly and deliberately evil men are a very small minority; it is the
appeaser who unleashes them on mankind; it is the appeaser`s intellectual
abdication that invites them to take over. --Ayn Rand

> http://www.linuxworld.com/linuxworld/lw-2000-07/lw-07-penguin_2.html
> Hmm...what is your opinion on the article above? I'm interested to see the
> author's comparison btwn Enhydra and Zope.
> regards,
> firestar