[Zope] Zope with Apache
James W. Howe
Fri, 21 Jul 2000 10:59:22 -0400
We are running Zope behind an Apache server. We've got things configured
so that it mostly works. However, we noticed that the "breadcrumbs" list
at the top of a workspace screen doesn't work correctly. For example, if
I'm looking at the object /Foo/Bar/Baz, the list of items in the
breadcrumbs might look like this:
DTMLDocument at /Foo / Bar / Baz
The links to Foo and Bar do not correctly take into account the extra item
needed to tell Apache that the link goes to the Zope site. For example,
the link to Foo needs to say something like
instead of
The tabs for the management screens work fine, however.
Has anyone else encountered this and is this a bug in Zope, or simply a
configuration issue that I need to resolve. If its a configuration issue,
what would I need to change.
James W. Howe mailto:jwh@allencreek.com
Allen Creek Software, Inc. pgpkey: http://ic.net/~jwh/pgpkey.html
Ann Arbor, MI 48103