[Zope] zzLocale 0-0-3a released on Zope Japan

Yves-Eric Martin yemartin@garage.co.jp
Thu, 27 Jul 2000 18:48:03 +0900

On Wed, 26 Jul 2000 12:59:32 +0200
"Johan Carlsson" <johanc@torped.se> wrote:

> That's absolutly brilliant!

    Thanks for the support. :)

> What are the performance impact of the zzLocale?
> Do more installed translations effect performance in any way.

    On our test machines, we did not notice any significant performance
loss when using zzLocale. But we made no actual measurement, and these
machines were not loaded at all. Performances may degrade:

    zzLocale creates some overhead at Zope initialization, when it loads
all the localized templates, then at every call of a management screen,
when it must decide which localized screen to use according to the
REQUEST and server settings. Other Zope operations should not be

    The first overhead may get longer as more localized templates are
installed. But anyway, since this matters only once, at initialization,
I don't think it will ever be a problem.

    The second overhead, however, happens every time a management screen
is accessed. Luckily it is almost independent from the number of
templates installed, and should be reasonably small. But it is here
anyway, and on a site with many managers, there might be some loss in

    Anyone for a quick performance testing?


Yves-Eric Martin
Digital Garage Inc.