[Zope] Zope on Linux - Oracle 7.3 Solaris connect question... ZOracleDA how tocompile?compile?
Satheesh Babu
Thu, 27 Jul 2000 20:54:17 -0400
Hi Chris,
You can connect to Oracle 7.3 database from ZOracleDA on Linux
compiled against Oracle8/8i client. I've a production environment
where Zope 2.1.3 runs on a Redhat 6 machine with Oracle 8.0.5
clients. It connects to an Oracle 7.3 database on HP-UX.
All you need to make sure is that your SQL*Net connection in
the Zope machine is set properly. Your Solaris machine
should be added to
$ORACLE_HOME/net/admin/tnsnames.ora properly.
----- Original Message -----
From: Chris Beaumont <cbeaumon@msri.org>
To: <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 4:31 PM
Subject: [Zope] Zope on Linux - Oracle 7.3 Solaris connect question...
ZOracleDA how tocompile?compile?
> Zelp!
> (:
> I have a Linux based Zope installation that I need to connect up with a
> copy of Oracle 7.3 Workgroup Server running on a Solaris machine.
> I understand from a recent post that I will need to install Oracle
> client libraries for Linux in order for the ZOracleDA on the Linux box
> that is running Zope to compile- I don't have an older Oracle client for
> Linux, if indeed one was made.. (you can tell that I'm new to this
> So...ta da... I have several newbie questions..
> Obviously Oracle 7.3 is not the current rev. so...
> 1.) Can I use the current Linux version of the Oracle client to compile
> the ZOracleDA, then use that install to connect to Oracle 7.3 without
> 2.) If I cant, does anyone have any suggestions on ways to solve this
> 3.) Are there any particular caveats in considering this kind of
> configuration, or anything not covered in the docs..
> I'm a relative newcomer to Zope, so *any* help is welcome and highly
> Thank you very much...
> Chris Beaumont
> cbeaumon@msri.org
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