[Zope] Does 'favicon.ico' sound familiar to anyone?
Marcin Kasperski
Mon, 31 Jul 2000 16:57:11 +0200
Recently i started using Zope and so far I have Apache running on port
80 and shielding it (I employ ProxyPass and SiteAccess). Quickly after
starting this configuration I notified a lot of
File does not exist: [apache document root]/favicon.ico
messages in Apache error log.
Does it sounds familiar to anyone? I do not remember myself using file
of such name anywhere (in fact I do not use any .ico file, I tried
grepping my files in different ways but without success). Could it be
some Zope or Apache specific file or should I re-try my grepping
From the other side: what strategies would you use to search for such a
problem source? I tried Zope Find. I downloaded my site via FTP and
performed recursive grep. I mirrored my site with wget and performed
recursive grep. No help, no bonus, no results.
www.mk.maxi.pl | People resist change, regardless of what it is.
Marcin.Kasperski | (Michael Reed)
@softax.com.pl |
@bigfoot.com |