[Zope] Re: dtml-tree with data from multiple tables

Lance Kurisaki lkurisaki@yahoo.com
Thu, 8 Jun 2000 12:58:43 -0700 (PDT)

>>I'd like to generate a tree with data from different
>>SQL tables depending on the tree level. In other
>>words, the first level data  comes from one table,
>>second level comes from another.
>>How can the branches_expr expression determine what
>>the current tree  level is? Can I pass a parameter
>>let me know the current level? I tried the
>>but it didn't work...
>>  <dtml-tree id=name
>I think Anthony baxter's "Some neat tricks with
dtml->tree" <url:
> will help you out

That How-To uses the same SQL table to define children
at all levels of the tree. How can I use different
tables at different levels? Am I able to determine the
current level in my child_lookup() method?


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