[Zope] SOAP status?

Matt Gushee mgushee@architag.com
Fri, 09 Jun 2000 11:11:55 -0600

Hi, Folks--

I know you hate questions like this, but does anyone know what's happening 
w/ SOAP support? Any guesses as to when there will be a SOAP-capable Zope 
release? I work for Architag International, an XML consulting and training 
firm, and am currently putting together a course on XML for e-Commerce, 
featuring BizTalk and SOAP. Up until now, most of our courses have been 
very Microsoft-centric, but one of my goals is to start bringing in some 
alternatives, and I would love to incorporate Zope.

Thanks in advance for any info.

Matt Gushee             303.766.1336 x124
Consultant                      Fax: 303.699.8331
Architag International  Cell: 303.941.0759
mgushee@architag.com    http://architag.com