[Zope] error (200)

Mike Mikkelsen mikk@microbsys.com
Sat, 10 Jun 2000 09:47:54 -0700

Hello all,

My Zope (2.1.6) installation has just become *very* unstable.  My most recent
addition has been ZPatterns and LoginManager.  My passwords for my virtual
sites (using SiteRoot) are no longer accessable by my account and superuser
can't access them.  The site "disappears" three or four times a day without
errors.  And clicking on Product Management link sometimes returns "No Data"
notice in the browser and then Zope crashes.

This is the error that shows up on the console when going to Product Management
or accessing the subdir that holds the subdir that has LoginManager:

<date> ERROR (200) ZODB Couldn't Load State for

I'm exporting the sites now and am going to (I guess) re-install zope and all
of the products. >8-/

Are there any other options?
Any ideas on what went wrong?
Is their a way to fix a corruption in the ZODB?


Mike Mikkelsen			mikk@microbsys.com
Micro Business Systems		http://www.microbsys.com
Fresno Linux Users Group	http://linux.fresno.ca.us

                    It's all GNU to me!